Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Logo Revisited....again

Here's the current version of my logo, on my business card. The type has been edited and the leafage on the top portion of the corn has been modified to look more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing.

Print Ads

Here are some interesting and relevant print ads; except for the last one which is really funny.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Ran across this Batman poster done by Wes Wilson while doing work on a menu from typography. COOL

Print Ad Resource

This site is a goldmine for Print Ads. Catherine showed it to us in Intro to Graphic Design last semester.
Print Ads of the World

Monday, March 21, 2011

Weird Illustration

Here's my progress on an unfinished illustration i was was attempting to submit to the GSU Art Exhibition. It's sort of an amalgam of the two drawings i had begun during spring break, named "Lines of my Mind". Im really excited to finish and vectorize it, and plan on submitting it for Portfolio Review along with only one other illustrative piece. I dont think that will be too much illustration, but i have to include this one for a multitude of reasons. The vertical layout is definitely inspired by the uber-detailed illustrations of Aaron Horkey you might have seen on some other people's blogs' in the class.

Noma Bar

Noma Bar is an Israeli illustrator/graphic designer who i think is really, really impressive. People have dubbed him a "master of negative space", evidenced by his super clean vector work. He's done editorial work for The New York Times and The Guardian What i find most intriguing about his work though is his ability to communicate ideas in an intimidatingly simple, elegant, but also humorous manner. His use of iconography is too cool. I was looking through a friends copy of  The Economist and immediately recognized his work in an IBM ad (image included last). I also included the pieces of his from Computer Arts Magazine. So awesome.

Project 2: Stationary

Here's my stationery thus far. Still needs some work, but im pretty satisfied with it. Going to replace the translucent leafage on the letterhead and envelope with some version of the spikey grass on my business card to tie everything together (thanks Stan). I'll definitely add a cover and might make a second business card.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

American Psycho Business Card Scene

This is a clip from one of my favorite movies, American Psycho. So hilarious; so relevant. Watch and enjoy!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Final Logo!

My logo has final reached completion! For the most part. I will probably tweak a couple very minor things before i print my stationary, like the ornamentation, the kerning, possibly the leafage on the top portion of the corn, but i am so happy with this logo.

Comprehensive Logo Work

Spring Break Stuff 2

Here's two in progress drawings that im working on for the GSU Exhibition for friday. They're both very...indulgent in many ways, but i really like them. I love drawing/rendering faces, and i SWEAR i would draw other people's faces if i could get them to make the goofy expressions, and the Eraserhead-esque hair i love. Anyways i had posted part of the drawing of my face earlier on my blog, and decided to expand on it. It's a composition of expressions i make, connected with my doofy hair. The manic craziness of the hair exists to support the  oddity  of the outlandish expressions and emotions we all feel at times. Someone's hair can often times tell all about a person.

The other drawing is solely the kind of line drawings i like doing in my freetime, while not really looking at anything. I may combine the two drawings but may not, it depends. I will definately expand on the second drawing, but may not submit it to the exhibition (maybe too bizarre). Basically these two drawings are really just me putting out some unadulterated ideas, nothing too heavy. It's enjoyable to do these things on top of the GRD schoolwork/portfoliowork. I feel like it keeps things fresh, makes me happy too. Will post final comps by friday.

Spring Break Stuff 1

I really love doing artwork with cut paper. I (David B)
found a poster that was originally for a movie
about the band Motorhead. I took the silhouetted
face off the poster and filled it with clippings of
greenery from random magazines. Easy and fun; Enjoy.